

The Installation Safety Office will provide required safety training for all personnel on Safety and Occupational Health programs covered by MCO 5100.29C.

Contact the Safety Office to request specific training as needed.

MCB Camp Lejeune FY 2025 Safety Training Schedule

Registration for Ground Safety Manager, Ground Mishap Investigation and the Respiratory Protection Manager Course will go through each individual’s MSC/MSE and then forwarded to II MEF. 

All other classes can be enrolled in ESAMS using the link below.


Per MCO 5100.29C, Vol 1, Chapt 5, Para 050302.A.3, and NAVMC DIR 5100.8, Chap 5001, Para 5 (b) (1), all Supervisory personnel are required to receive specialized safety training.  New supervisors shall be provided Supervisor Safety Training (SST) within 90 days of appointment and annually thereafter.