Special Recognition Board

To facilitate the special recognition boards for the CG MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJ, which include staff noncommissioned officer (SNCO) and noncommissiond officer (NCO) Meritorious Promotion Boards, Marine of the Year, NCO of the Year, NCO of the Quarter, and Marine of the Quarter. 


Meritorious Promotion Boards

Meritorious promotion of “exceptionally well qualified” Marines will be based on outstanding performance and as recognition of ability to assume positions of greater authority and responsibility.  Meritorious promotions are intended to promote Marines whose performance is superior to that of their peers.  Accordingly, nominees must possess the degree of leadership appropriate for the next higher grade and have demonstrated a capacity for discharging all of the duties and responsibilities of the grade for which they are being recommended.

Noncommissioned Officer (NCO): 
The CG MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJ will convene one board per quarter for each rank considered to select the most qualified Marines for meritorious promotion to the ranks of sergeant and corporal.  Determination of eligibility for meritorious promotion will be based on the performance of the Marine as reported in the Commander's recommendation, and on the Marine's military record.  A meritorious promotion must be based on the Marine's demonstrated capability to discharge the duties and responsibilities of the next higher grade in a satisfactory manner.  Nominees must meet the requirements outlined in MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJO 1400.2C to be recommended for meritorious promotion (click here).

Staff Noncommissioned Officer (SNCO):  The CG MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJ will convene one board per calendar year to select the most qualified Marines to compete for selection as MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJ nominees for meritorious promotion to the ranks of staff sergeant (SSgt) and gunnery sergeant (GySgt).  Determination of eligibility for meritorious promotion will be based on the performance of the Marine as reported in the Commander's recommendation and on the Marine's military record.  Minimum time in grade (TIG) requirements are waived in the case of meritorious promotions.  Nominees must meet the requirements outlined by CMC and COMMCICOM to be recommended for meritorious promotion.

Marine and NCO of the Quarter

These programs were established to provide recognition to enlisted Marines, private through sergeant, who have demonstrated exceptional performance of duty.  Lance Corporals and below will compete for recognition as the “Marine of the Quarter.”  Sergeants and corporals will compete for recognition as the “NCO of the Quarter.”  Marine and NCO of the Quarter will be based on calendar year (i.e. CY 2019 = January 2019 - December 2019).

Marine and NCO of the Quarter:
   Boards will typically convene on the last Wednesday of the quarter.  When a convening date falls on a holiday or within a holiday period, an alternate convening date will be announced. Nominees will report in the Service “C” uniform to the Sergeant Major to be interviewed by the board.  Questions will come from the following subjects:  general military, current events, and chain of command.   The Marines selected as Marine of the Quarter and NCO of the Quarter will later compete for recognition as the Marine of the Year and NCO of the Year.  The date and time of the board will be announced via the Sergeant Major.  Nominees must meet  the requirements outlined in MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJO 1650.7C to compete for recognition as the Marine/NCO of the Quarter (click here).

NCO and Marine of the Year

The CG MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJ will recognize enlisted Marines, private through sergeant, who have demonstrated exceptional performance of duty.  Marine/NCO of the Year will be based on a Marine’s previous selection as Marine/Noncommissioned Officer of the Year as reported in the Installation Commander’s recommendation and on the Marine's military record.  If the Installation Commander does not have a program for Marine/Noncommissioned Officer of the Year, a previously selected Marine/Noncommissioned Officer of the Quarter can represent his/her installation.

Marine/NCO of the Year:  The CG will convene one board per calendar year to select the most qualified Marines to compete for selection as the MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJ Marine/NCO of the Year.  Lance Corporals and below will compete for recognition as the Marine of the Year  and sergeants and corporals will compete for recognition as the NCO of the Year.  The CG  will solicit nominations from subordinate commands to compete and apperar before the board.  Nominees will report in the designated uniform to the Sergeant Major or to alternate location as directed.  Installation Commanders will ensure nominees meet the qualifications outlined in MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJO 1650.8A for submission as Marine/NCO of the Year (click here).

-Service Member of the Month Fact Sheet 

-Special Recognition Board Privacy Act Release Statement