Safety Promotional Materials

"SEMPER SAFE" is a periodic publication on various safety topics that you can use to increase awareness for yourself, your Marines and Sailors, and others to ensure their safety.

SS 24-04 December Safety
SS 24-03 November Safety
SS 24-02 October Safety
SS 24-01 E-Bike safety
SS 23-04 Halloween Safety
SS 23-03 Dog Days of Summer
SS 23-02 101 Critical Days of Summer
SS 23-01 Step Ladder Safety
SS 22-03 Holiday Safety
SS 22-02 Thanksgiving Safety
SS 22-01 Veterans Day and Marine Corps Ball

SS 15-09

Heat Stress 
SS 15-08 Boating Safety
SS 15-07  Motorcycle Safety
SS 15-06  Alcohol Awareness 
SS 15-05  Distracted Driving 
SS 15-04  Playground Safety 
SS 15-03  Pedestrians, Bicycles, Headphones
SS 15-02  Texting While Driving
SS 15-01  Slips, Trips, Falls (Winter Ice)
SS 14-18 Portable Space Heaters
SS 14-17 Halloween Safety 
SS 14-16  Mold and Mildew Prevention
SS 14-15 Hunting Aboard Camp Lejeune
SS 14-14 Pedestrians and Bicycles
SS 14-13 ATV and Dirtbike Safety
SS 14-12 Heat Stress
SS 14-11 Inspections and Electrical Safety 
SS 14-10 Rip Current Safety
SS 14-09 Negligent Discharge
SS 14-08 Pets and Children Left in Cars
SS 14-07 Barbeque Grill Safety
SS 14-06  Motorcycle Track Day (ARTD)
SS 14-05  Electronic Cigarettes 
SS 14-04  Aggressive Driving
SS 14-03  Lockout/Tagout
SS 14-02  Mishap Reporting 
SS 14-01  Catfish Lake Rd - Limited Access 
SS 13-23 Suzuki, Harley-Davidson Recalls
SS 13-22  Destructive Weather/Hurricane
SS 13-21  Back-To-School
SS 13-20  Drug Drop Box
SS 13-19  Impaired Driving
SS 13-18 Christmas Holiday Safety
SS 13-17  Thanksgiving Safety
SS 13-15 Halloween Safety
SS 13-12 Watercraft Safety
SS 13-11  Lockout/Tagout
SS 13-10 Swimming Pool Safety
SS 13-08 Springtime Safety
SS 13-07 Designated Driver
SS 13-05  Back Safety
SS 13-04 Hazardous Materials Awareness
SS 13-03  Supplements and Energy Drinks
SS 13-02 Slips, Trips and Falls
SS 13-01  Driving Thru Smoke or Fog


MCI-East Safety Bulletin Board

Safety Bulletin Board (required for MCIEAST Commands)

Each employer shall post and keep posted a notice or notices, to be furnished by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, informing employees of the protections and obligations provided for in the Act, and that for assistance and information, including copies of the Act and of specific safety and health standards, employees should contact the employer or the nearest office of the Department of Labor. Such notice or notices shall be posted by the employer in each establishment in a conspicuous place or places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Each employer shall take steps to insure that such notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by other material. (29 CFR 1903)

Organizations have the unique opportunity to promote employee awareness of occupational safety and health matters through traditional information channels.  Using safety bulletin boards throughout the work environment allows managers and leaders to promote a positive safety culture by communicating the safety policies, goals, objectives, standards, and safety performance to their employees. 

The following links are provided to assist organizations in developing and maintaining a safety bulletin board.

1. Encl 1 - Safety Bulletin Board Example
2. CMC Safety and Force Preservation Policy
3. Example: Current BN/SQDN Commander Safety Policy
4. OSHA 3165-02 Job Safety and Health Poster
5. NAVMC Form 11401 Report of Unsafe/Unhealthful Working Conditions (See also "Mishap Reporting" Page)
6. DOL Form CA-10 What a Federal Employee Should Do When Injured at Work 
7. DD Form 2272 DOD OSH Program 
8.a. (How-To) OSHA 300A Summary of Injury and Illness 
8.b (Actual) MCB Camp Lejeune CY17 OSHA Form 300A Summary of Injury and Illness
9. Example - Industrial Hygiene Survey