There is always a possibility that you may have to file a claim after a hurricane passes. Keep in mind that when it comes to claims, it is your responsibility to substantiate ownership and value of an item claimed. To ensure a quick turn-around on your claim, it is best you prepare for that now. Take the time to document your possessions/property prior to any storm. The following suggestions are provided.
1. Gather your important papers to store in a waterproof container; include receipts for high value items you own.
2. If you recently made a household goods move to the area and still have a copy of your HHG descriptive inventory, include that document. If you don’t have a recent and accurate inventory, make one.
3. Protect what you can. Bag up expensive/valuable items like jewelry and photographs and store them in a safe place.
4. Photograph your home prior to the storm. It’s easy and will not take long to walk through the home with your cell phone and take photographs:
a. Take a photograph of each room and garage;
b. Then take photographs of individual items in each room.
c. Open closet doors and take a photo of the contents of that closet.
d. For high value items, take a photo of the item and the brand name tag. This will help you substantiate ownership and value of high value items when/if you don’t have a receipt.
5. Finally, don’t forget to photograph your vehicle. If you have accessories that are not normally included with a vehicle, document those accessories in the photographs.