Frequently Asked Questions

The following questions and answers may resolve your issue.

Can I confine a servicemember for "safekeeping", "protective custody", or without charges listed on the confinement order?

No. IAW SECNVAV M-1640.1, personnel cannot be confined for "safekeeping" or "protective custody". Additionally, the confinement order must clearly identify the individual to be confined and show the offense(s) of which accused or convicted.

For out of state confinements - if we do not have the uniforms, how long do we have to bring them in?

The confining command is responsible for bringing any missing uniform items within 72 hours of confinement for pre-trial prisoners. Post-trial prisoners must be confined with the full gear requirement (refer to Procedures & Required Documents). 

If there were no victim/witness in the case, do we need to bring a DD 2704?

Yes. A DD 2704 is required for ALL post-trial prisoners regardless if there were no victims or witnesses. Ensure Section 2 of the DD 2704 is properly filled out and signed prior to confining the adjudged prisoner.

What time can I drop off a new confinement?

The MCI-East Regional Brig is open for continuous operation, 24-hours a day.

Who can conduct a command visit and when?

Only E-6 and above, in uniform, may conduct Command Visits during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 0800-1630.

What is the brig phone number and address?

Phone Number:

Command Address:
MCIEAST Regional Brig (Bldg 1039 Duncan St. for FEDEX and UPS orders)
PSC Box 20140
Camp Lejeune, NC 28542-0140

Prisoner Address:
Full Name
MCIEAST Regional Brig
PSC Box 20140
Camp Lejeune, NC 28542-0140

Do you have to be brig chaser certified to initially confine someone?

There are no chaser requirements to initially confine servicemembers. Once the servicemember is confined, however, ALL temporary absences require MCI-East Regional Brig Certification. For permanent releases, there is no requirement for chaser certification and must be conducted by a command representative during normal business hours only on the date of release.

Who is authorized to sign the medical certification on the confinement order?

IAW SECNAV M-1640.1, a Medical Officer, Nurse Practitioner or Physician's Assistant (PA) are the only medical personnel authorized to sign the medical certification. This must be completed prior to confining the servicemember.

What paperwork is required for new confinements?

Please click here for a list of required documents.

How does a Separation in Lieu of Trial (SILT) affect confinement status?

The pre-trial prisoner's immediate or higher commander may direct release from pre-trial confinement. A SILT from the pre-trial prisoner's commander must be provided to the Brig Admin Department prior to the Brig completing the Release Order (refer to the Contact Us Section). Ensure a command representative is provided to retrieve the pre-trial prisoner the day of release.

Why does a prisoner with a 30-day sentence only serve 25 days?

 IAW DoD 1325.7-M, Sentence Computation Manual, Good Conduct Time is earned for ALL Post-trial prisoners.

Can I confine a female?

Yes, the same indoctrination procedures that a male servicemember being confined entails, is required for all female personnel being confined.

Can we still bring the prisoner in if she is pregnant?


Where are Female Confinements held?

Currently, all female confinements are being held at Onslow County Jail. Do not take a female confinement to Onslow County Jail. ALL new confinements are processed at the MCI-East Regional Brig. The Brig will process the female confinement and transport to Onslow County Jail.